Riacanada.ca Investment – Responsible Investing in Canada

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RIA Canada Investment: Responsible Investment refers to the incorporating environmental, social and corporate governance into investment management. With a view to positively and responsibly contribute for the global climate change, Government of Canada is accelerating its efforts towards responsible investing in Canada and it has shown good response. The recent Canadian Responsible Investment Trends report shows that the responsible market has experienced robust growth.

Canadian understood well that integration of ESG by all mainstream investors was need of the time if only meaningful and accountable progress was to be made. ESG integration refers to inclusion of environmental, social and governance aspects into financial analysis. The RI strategy observes norms-based screening which follows international norms and standards for investment.

A great emphasis was laid on Canada being leader in sustainable responsible investment in an event held at Montreal in September 2014. And an action plan was launched for action on climate change again in Montreal in March, 2015 which also had important information about how energy consumption and related planning can be done.

Canada is a country with rich natural resources and has become much environmentally concerned. It is dedicated in its efforts to tackle the climate related issues. It is taken a challenge to drive its economy towards responsible investment.

Growth of RI in Canada

Growth of RI in Canada

RI assets of Canada have crossed $1.5 Trillion which represents 38% of total investment in Canada. There is 49% increase in RI over the last two years.

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A very interesting and noticeable thing about its success in making residents of Canada aware of RI is that assets of individual investors in RI has risen to 91% and pension fund to 75% in the last two years. Majority of them are expecting moderate to high level of growth.

Responsible investment asset managers and owners focused on their fiduciary duty, minimum risk and good return.

The tremendous success of increased growth of responsible investment in Canada can be attributed to:

  • Invest managers in Canada are committed to the United Nations-supported Principles for Responsible Investment. They have provided ever growing and diversified spectrum of RI products.
  • It has shown climate awareness and importance of ESG opportunities and risks.
  • Pension funds in RI recognized considering ESG factors in fulfilling their fiduciary duty.
  • Millennials have exhibited consideration of ESG factors in investing and are much concerned about solving environmental and social challenges.

Canadians have proved themselves responsible in true sense when it comes to Responsible Investment. RI in Canada has observed robust growth over the last two years and promises bright future!

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