What are Common Symptoms and Signs of Heart Attack?

Symptoms and Signs of Heart Attack

The heart attack is one of the most common killers among men and women. Not all people who have heart attacks have the same symptoms. It varies from person to person. Usually, tv series and movies shoe severe chest pain as the symptom of heart attack whereas the truth is around one-third patient who suffers from the heart attack do not feel pain in the chest.

Common Heart Attack Signs and Symptoms Include:

  • Pressure, tightness, pain, or a squeezing or aching sensation in persons chest or arms that may spread to his/her neck, jaw or back.
  • Lightheadedness or sudden Cold dizziness
  • Shortness of breath
  • sweat
  • Fatigue
  • Lightheadedness or sudden Cold dizziness
  • Nausea, indigestion, heartburn or abdominal pain

Sometimes people do not show any symptom and still are said to have the heart attack. This type of heart attack where the patient shows no visible symptoms or very mild symptom is called a silent heart attack. Some heart attacks happen suddenly whereas some shows signs and symptoms hours, days or week in advance.

Some heart attacks strike suddenly, but many people have warning signs and symptoms hours, days or weeks in advance. The earliest warning may be recurrent chest pain (angina) that’s triggered by exertion and relieved by rest. Angina is caused by a temporary decrease in blood flow to the heart.

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Most Common Symptoms of Heart Attack

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Common Symptoms and Signs of Heart Attack

Mentioned above are few common heart attack symptoms. But there are few symptoms among them that are very common. Let’s have a look on them.

Upper Body Discomfort: Person may feel pain or discomfort in one or both the arms, shoulder or back. Some people feel pain or discomfort in the upper part of stomach, neck or jaw.

Pain or Discomfort in Chest: Pain or discomfort in the center or left side of the stomach is the most common symptom of heart attack. This pain or discomfort either happens for few minutes or comes and goes back. The patient may feel squeezing, fullness or pressure too. Some get feeling of indigestion and heartburn.

Shortness of Breath: Person can have shortness of breath alone or along with pain in the chest. Shortness of breath can be felt when a person is doing physical work or even resting.

Sometimes, symptoms of Angina is confused with the heart attack. Angina is a chest pain felt by patients with coronary heart disease. What so ever, all types of chest pain should be checked by a doctor.

Act Immediately

Often people wait too long because they don’t recognize the important signs and symptoms. Whenever you notice signs of heart attack in people around you act immediately. If you are not sure that signs are of the heart attack still be cautious and call a doctor.

If you doubt heart attack in people around you or yourself call local emergency number immediately. If an emergency number is not available drive the patient to the nearest hospital.

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Take nitroglycerin as instructed while awaiting emergency help. Taking aspirin during a heart attack could reduce heart damage by helping to keep your blood from clotting. But never consume it without asking doctor or emergency medical personnel.

What Should You do if You See Someone having a Heart Attack?

The first step here is to call for emergency help. Then start CPR to keep the blood flowing.

Always remember that in cases of the heart attack a difference of a second matters a lot. If you know the warning signs of heart attack and know how to take an action you can save your or someone else’s life.

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