Does Insurance Cover Breast Cancer Treatment? Financial Assistance for Fund

Breast Cancer’s Financial Toll

Many insurance companies promise to cover expensive disease like cancer, tuberculoses and so on. At the time of signing policy, no one read conditions of insurance that are printed in small letters. Marci was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer when she had worked in the finance industry. She later found that her policy was covered with only $10,000 per year and its maximum benefit was over with her first treatment of biopsy. She was uninsured for two months until she got coverage from new policy. In those two months, she has to incur $11,000 from her own pocket.

The financial tax increases every year. Person can use some of the cost as a tax deduction, but that doesn’t come close to help every time. Marci said that people without job are getting better health care benefits than financially employed people.

According to the American Cancer Society, A U.S. woman has 12% chance of breast cancer at some stage of her life. In current year, about 230,480 new cases of diagnosed in women are found for breast cancer and about 40,000 women die in cancer per year. According to the National Cancer Institute, cancer care cost the American public $104.1 billion in 2006. To sum up with high cost of cancer, person should keep in mind following points:

Know What Your Insurance Covers
Some people have experienced that insurance companies refuse to pay for certain medicines and treatment such as costly cream for healing from burn, anesthesia, MRI report, bone marrow transplant cost, clinical trials, etc. Before purchasing insurance, patients need to determine their coverage before proceeding with treatment.

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How to Reduce Expenses
Take help of financial adviser and make some investments that are co related with health insurance.

Make a Case For Your Unique Needs
Ask your insurers for a separate payment plan. Generally, it charges no interest and it is better than payment of medical bills from plan than credit card.

Get Family and Friends Involved
Involve family members and friends not only just for emotional support but also for claiming process. Take help for searching research centers, treatment centers and good doctors for best treatment.

Explore All Options
Consider doctor for natural and less costly generics which might work instead of expensive medicines. Get long term disability coverage early and don’t wait until disease found.

Most Searching Terms:

  • Breast Cancer Grants for Patients
  • Free Financial Help for Cancer Patients
  • Does Insurance Cover Breast Cancer Genetic Testing
  • Breast Cancer Genetic Screening Cost
  • Breast Cancer Financial Assistance Fund

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