When You Shouldn’t File Car or Auto Insurance Claim?

American Automobile Association estimates that nearly 84 million citizens will take car trips for 50 miles. According to one report, during a year there are more than 325,000 accidents occurring and from them, about 200,000 claimed filed. Insurance companies pay more attention on those who claims more.

People should change their view to take car insurance. They should think that policy is to protect car from huge loss and not for every little accident. Here are given five simple skill to overcome from long time loss.

You have Some Moving Violations on Your Record Already

Insurers give rates based on driving skill, number of claims filed, or tickets received over the year. These al might denying to pay claimed money. So be careful to not hike rates.

The Claim Pays Out Little more than Your Deductible

To increase deductible, do not file claim. For example, if a policy has a $500 deductible, it is not advisable to file a claim of $600, as it will only net you $100. Raise in deductible could significantly lower annual premiums.

The Claim Involves Water Damage

Some insurance companies refuse to pay watered or mold policy. A small moisture related claim can cause a huge loss. Many or all other insurers might refuse to cover home if they found mold. And many times, difficulties may come in the path in selling house if buyers got information that no company is ready to insure.

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You could have Prevented the Damage

Ask yourself if you have contributed to the damage by failing to address. If it does so, insurer might refuse to pay claim. For example, Destruction due to pests is not covered by home insurers. If there is sustain water damage in your loft due to a roof that should have been replaced years ago. This problem could be avoided with regular home maintenance. This is different from a sudden weakness in roof due to a storm or other incident. In this situation, insurer can deny to pay.

Someone Else can Pay for the Claim

Sometimes happen that an accident causes by someone else and other guy cover costs by using his policy and some other insurance company involved in this. This approach is not always provided then also it is in use. Consumer Federation has given important guidelines in its “Guide to Navigating the Auto Claims’ Maze”. Read it to get more tips.

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