Brain Boosting Juice Recipes – Memory Drinks for Students

The Best Juices for Memory – Recipes for Brain Boosting

Brain Boosting Juice Recipes – Memory Drinks for Students: Brain functioning is the vital for healthy living. With ageing, memory also deteriorates. To minimize it and keep the brain powerful, you need to stimulate it through exercise and nutrition. Some of the easy to make juices are high in antioxidants and rich in essential vitamins and minerals which act as a brain booster and improve cognitive functioning. Some of the recipes are:

Apple Carrot juice with Almonds and Walnuts

Carrots are rich in phosphorus which stimulates brain neurons and thus acts as a brain booster. Apples are high in flavonoid with antioxidants and helps slow down anti-aging. Almonds and walnuts are power-packed with essentials vitamins, minerals, omega 3 and omega 6 for keeping healthy mind.


2 Apple, 2 carrots, 2 walnut kernels, 5 almonds



Wash apples and carrots well, peel them and cut them into pieces. Soak almonds and walnut in water for a while and peel them. Put all the ingredients together and blend them for 2-3 minutes at a high speed. If you want to make it chill, add 2-3 ice cubes. Your healthy drink is ready. Pour it into a glass and relish it! You can garnish it with 2-3 mint leaves or lemon slices.

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Beet Juice for memory power

Beet Juice for memory power

Beets are rich source of vitamin C and minerals such as potassium, manganese and nitrates. It also contains vitamin B and fibre. Beet juice improves brain health and also reduces blood pressure.


3 medium sized beets


Take fresh beets and wash them thoroughly using a soft scrub brush. Let the water drain for a while. Peel the beets and cut them into pieces. Put them in a juice extractor and collect the juice in a glass. To enhance the test and add nutritional value, you can add 1 apple or 1 carrot to it. Serve the juice fresh.

Blue Berries and Avocado Juice with Flaxseeds

Avocado contains good amount of potassium as well as riboflavin, niacin, folate, pantothenic acid and magnesium. It is a good source of vitamins such as C, E, K, and B-6 and loaded with monounsaturated fatty acids. It is also rich in fibre. Blueberries contain potassium and folate in good amount and are rich in vitamin C, vitamin B6 and phytonutrients. Flaxseeds are high in Omega-3 and good antioxidants. The healthy juice made out of these ingredients make it a great memory booster.


1 Avocado, 100gm Blueberries, 1 teaspoon grounded flaxseeds, 1 cup water

Blue Berries and Avocado Juice with Flaxseeds


Wash blueberries and avocado thoroughly. Peel avocado and spoon out the pulp. Add blueberries, avocado pulp and grounded flaxseeds in a container, add water and blend them for 1-2 minutes at high speed. Pour it out in a glass. You can garnish it with few mint leaves, parsley leaves or lemon slices. The healthy drink is ready to serve!

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Pomegranate Orange Juice Benefits

Pomegranate juice is rich in antioxidants and vitamin C which slows down aging effects and help prevents cancer, arthritis etc. It is anti-inflammatory and also helps maintain cholesterol and blood pressure. Oranges are high in antioxidants and rich in several vitamins and minerals. Pomegranate and oranges together make a great memory booster.

Pomegranate Orange Juice


2 pomegranates, 3 oranges


Cut pomegranates as well as oranges in two halves and extract juice using citrus juicer. It is much easy to prepare the juice this way. You can also peel oranges and take pomegranate seeds out and extract juice using juice extractor.

Broccoli Green Apple Juice for brain stimulation

Broccoli Green Apple Juice

Broccoli is considered super food and packed with antioxidants and a great source of vitamin K which helps improve cognitive abilities and Choline which improves memory. It is also a great source of folate, potassium and fibre. Green apple is high in antioxidants and rich in fibre. It contains many essential vitamins and minerals. Broccoli juice is a great memory and brain booster. Broccoli and green apple together makes it a great healthy drink; apple also adds a taste to it.


2 cups broccoli florets, 2 green apple


Wash broccoli florets and apple thoroughly. Cut apple into pieces. Put hem into a juicer. Extract the juice and pour into a glass. You can add few mint leaves and few drops lemon to make it tangy.

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