How to Gain Weight If You are Skinny

Tips for Gaining Weight for Skinny People

Loosing weight and gaining weight, both are not easy. But if one follows some rules properly both can be achieved in a healthy way. Here, we are going to discuss how a skinny person can gain weight. Famous dietician, Shubha Dhyani of park hospital, Gurgaon give some easy suggestions to gain weight as follows:

  • Even if a persons aims to gain weight he must keep track of calorie intake. It is necessary to consult an expert to make a proper diet chart. One has to follow this chart strictly to achieve ones target of gaining weight.
  • It is necessary to take proper sleep. One should keep in mind that even when a person is sleeping body is still building up the muscles. At least eight hours of sleep is necessary to be healthy. This duration may change from person to person. Toddlers require more than 12 hours of sleep.
  • One should consume food that has high calorie and protein. Fruits like banana, chickoo, mangoes and more are caloric as compared to some fruits. Other food items like raisins, avocadoes, peanut butter, dark chocolate have high calorie. Food like egg, cottage cheese, milk, salmon have high protein.As a person is taking high calorie he must take care that he does physical activities. One can do complex and compound exercise but should avoid doing cardio.
  • One should avoid drinking water before meals. This not only fills the stomach, but also make it difficult to absorb calories and hence slow downs the process of gaining weight.
  • One can opt to drink carb and protein drink while working out.
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If one follows the above rules with commitment, skinny person can achieve the target of gaining weight.

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