Lisa Riley Before and After Weight Loss: Secret Behind Her Amazing Six Stone Weight Loss Plan

Lisa Riley Reveals the Secret Behind Her Amazing Six Stone Weight Loss

Lisa Riley, an English television presenter, and actress has become slimmer incredibly by shedding six stone in a short span of 10 months. And more surprising is that she has accomplished this without going on the diet! She just changed her lifestyle. She has revealed her secret on how she reduced weight through her Twitter account.

She attributes her weight loss success to regular exercise and staying away from alcohol. She is 39 years old and has reduced her size from 30 to 16. It seems she has been transformed and got a new look.

Lisa has become very aware of herself. She gets up at 6:00 am in the morning. She takes a daily walk of 40 minutes before shower. She practices lots of Yoga every day. At night she does Zumba. She prefers to take stairs to lift.

She has changed her food habits. She doesn’t eat after 6 pm in the evening. She has left drinking alcohol for a long time now. She has made it a habit to pat herself on the back every day.

Lisa quips that her fans are finding it difficult to recognize her! Even her friends who see her after few weeks are very surprised to see new Lisa. They just can’t believe themselves.

Lisa Riley was moved when her mother died of cancer in 2012. Last year her father had a cancer scare and was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. She was motivated to take care of her health and wanted to live the life fullest.

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Her hard work and commitment to reducing weight have been paid off.

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