Best Yoga Asanas for Belly Fat Reducing with Image
Yoga is practiced around the world by people of all age groups. Yoga has many health benefits. Yoga can be done to reduce weight too. Yoga can also be used to reduce belly fat. Fat around the stomach is said to be the most difficult fat to reduce. Abdominal fat is also linked with disease of heart, insulin resistance and few forms of cancer
Hence reducing belly fat is important for maintaining good health. In yoga, there are many asanas that can help in reducing belly fat. Along with yoga it is also important to take care of food that you eat.
Following are the five most effective yoga asanas that can be practiced to reduce belly fat:
Cobra Pose or Bhujang Asana

Cobra pose or Bhujang asana is very effective in strengthening the abdominal muscles. It also helps in reducing belly. Cobra pose strengthen the back, abdomen and entire upper body. s a great posture to strengthen the abdominal muscles and to reduce belly pooch. This pose will strengthen the back, abdomen and entire upper body. Spine becomes strong and flexible with this asana.
How to do Bhujang Asana
- First of all lie down on your belly, keeping legs stretched.
- Now place your palms underneath your shoulder.
- Your chin should touch the floor and toes should touch the floor.
- Now by inhaling slowly raise your chest up bending back as much as possible.
- You are now in a pose of cobra
- Now try to hold this cobra pose for 15 to 30 secs
- By exhaling slowly bring your body to its original position.
- Do this entire procedure for at least 5 times. Take 15 secs of relaxation time after every round.
Who should Not do This Asana?
If you have back injury, ulcer or hernia, you should not do cobra pose. Women who are pregnant, should also avoid this asana.
Bow Pose or Dhanurasana

Dhanurasana helps in strengthening the abdominal core.This asana helps in fighting constipation too. This is the best pose to give full body and back good stretch.
How to do Dhanurasana
- First of all lie down on your belly with legs stretched together and placed on either side of body.
- Now bend the knees and reach your arm to the ankles of the feet and hold them.
- By inhaling slowly lift your head and bend backward. Also, Lift your legs as high as you can.
- Try holding this posture for 15-30 seconds. You should breathe normally while holding this pose.
- Now by exhaling slowly, bring your body back to the original position.
- You should repeat this procedure for at least five times and can relax for 15 secs after each round.
Who should not do this Asana?
Pregnant women or person under gone any kind of surgery, having back pain or leg pain should not do this asana.
Boat Pose or Naukasana

This yoga asana, helps you to get flat stomach and is excellent for fighting fat around the waist and it is very good for the stomach as well as strengthening the back and leg muscles.
How to do Naukasana
- First of all on a mat, lie in a supine position with legs together and stretched and arms facing down on your side.
- By inhaling slowly raise your legs without bending them at the knees.
- Now stretch our foot and toes towards out.
- Raise legs as high as you can.
- Raise your arms and without folding them reach towards your toes.
- By doing so try to bring your body at an angle of 45.
- Hold this position for 15 second and breathe normally.
- Come back to your original position by exhaling slowly.
- Repeat the entire procedure for at least 5 times. You can relax for 15 seconds after every round.
Who should Not do This Asana?
Pregnant women or person under gone any kind of surgery, having back pain or leg pain should not do this asana.
Plank or Kumbhakasana

Plank is the simplest pose to reduce belly fat. It also strengthen and tones arms, buttocks, back, shoulder and thighs.
How to do Kumbhakasana
- place your hands and knees under the shoulders and knees under the hips.
- Now step the feet back one at a time and extend legs behind you.
- Now by inhaling, look slightly ahead of your palms taking care that your neck is aligned with spine.
- While doing this, hold your abdominal muscles in.
- Take care that while doing so your body should form a straight line from heels to the head. Take care that hands are flat and fingers are spread.
- Try to hold this posture for 15-30 sec.
- By exhaling, drop your knees to the floor and release the pose.
- Try repeating this pose for atleast 5 times. You can relax for 5 seconds in between the rounds.
Who should ot do This Asana?
Person having high blood pressure should avoid this pose. Also, person suffering back or shoulder injury should also not do this asana. If a person feel pain or feel uncomfortable one should not continue doing it.
Wind Relieving Pose or Pavanamukthasana

This asana control acid level of stomach, relieves lower back pain, strengthen and tone muscle of abdomen, thighs and hips. It also cure constipation and improves metabolism.
How to do Pavanamukthasana
- On a mat, lie down in supine position with arms on sides of your body and feet stretched out. Heels should touch each other.
- Now, bend your knees and by exhaling slowly bring the bent knees towards your chest. While doing so thighs should apply pressure on the abdomen.
- By placing your hands underneath the thighs, hold on the knees in place.
- Now, again by exhaling lift your head and allow your chin to touch your knees.
- Try holding this position for 60 to 90 seconds and breathe deeply. Release your knees by exhaling slowly.
- Try repeating this pose for at least 5 rounds. You can relax for 15 secs after each round.
Who should Not do This Asana?
Person, recently recovered from any kind of injury and having pain in back and legs should not do this. Pregnant women, too, should avoid this.
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