Combine Two Accounts of Google & Facebook: Add Facebook Account to Google+

Facebook Login Home Page – Combine Two Accounts of Google & Facebook

The combination of Google account with Facebook is the most common for a majority of youth or who work with social media on the internet. This makes an easy way to share information or content to social networks to friends and various groups. It is simple however some like tricky to combine two accounts. Let’s get an idea about Facebook Login Home Page Google Face.

What is Facebook & Google?

Facebook is an online social networking media site that connects people from worldwide. A user has to register himself and create an account with a personal profile and can add friends, put photos on wall, post status, send and receive messages, notifications and also update profile. It was founded by Mark Zuckerberg in 2004.

Google is an American Multinational Corporation that provides internet-based services and products such as search, cloud computing, software, and online advertising. It’s Gmail service is very popular mailing service used worldwide. Google is playing a role of gateway for any website opening. The combination of FB and Google makes both sites interesting and easy for the user.

Facebook Login Home Page: is the Facebook login home page from where a user can log into an account by using email address registered with a site for sign up procedure and password set while making an account. Email address and password is necessary for the login process. If a user doesn’t remember a password, he can retrieve password by clicking at “Forgot Password?” link. The new password will be received via email or SMS.

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Facebook Login Home Page Google Face:

Google face page is the homepage of Facebook with Google. To link both, there are many ways. Follow the given steps to manage Facebook Login Home Page Google Face:

  1. First of all, go to Google Plus and then go to the main profile page.
  2. Click on “About tab”, from where a user will able to see “other profiles” option at the bottom right side. From here, a user can link FB home page to Google Face page.
  3. Click the edit button to add Facebook account to Google+.
  4. The another option is also available to link Facebook login home page to Google. Under “About” section of FB, include a link to Google Plus account or YouTube account. This will help other people to see about other social media networks using an account holder.
  5. By using an email address or Gmail and password, an account holder can link login home page Google Face with various accounts.

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