How To Fix Issue of a Hacked Facebook Account?

Nowadays there are numerous cases of hacking facebook accounts. Every morning, it is common to hear, “My account is hacked”. Let’s discuss some preventive steps about how to fix a hacked facebook account i.e. profile, personal information, email address, password, posting on the wall (without permission), photos and other kinds of details. The below given steps will help in making the security harder for hackers break security wall.

What is a Facebook Hack?

When any person illegally wants to theft personal information of account like email id, account password, profile information, photos, posts, statuses, a list of friends, make app purchases from an account or delete stolen account permanently, it is called as Facebook hacking. A hacker can do all illegal or embarrassing things about account holder as he can spam friends and steal their personal information also. There are steps to prevent hacking and already hacked an account.

How to Prevent a Hack on Your Facebook Account:

Hackers are very intelligent and well-educated people and they know very well how to hack the account and steal information. Pay attention to following instructions to prevent an account from hacking.

  1. Create a strong password with the help of capital case alphabets, lowercase alphabets, and numbers. Better to make unusual and unreal spell word so that no one can imagine even about it. Together strings of words also helpful, for example, write ‘ilikeapple’ instead of ‘I like apple’. In short, write without space provided.
  2. Never pass facebook password to anyone. In a case of emergency if you have to give it to anyone, immediately change the password.
  3. Confirm log out of account if you are in a public setting like library, gardens, malls, or other. Never save the password in a browser, phone or any diary.
  4. Always secure computer with latest version antivirus software or spyware.
  5. Always make sure that you visit and log in at only and not in any other account.
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How to Fix a Hacked Facebook Account:

Whenever it comes to know that account is hacked, immediately report it at Facebook page and ask to secure the account. It is recommended to check any charges on the account because sometimes after hacking, they use the account for purchasing things. Check purchase history and verify that all purchase details are real. If any posted photo or status or comment is not added by an account holder, first secure account and then delete a post, photo or comment and send a note about that.

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